Posts filed under: 2021-2022 School Year

Don’t Forget to Purchase Your Yearbook Time is running out to purchase yearbooks at the reduced price! After February 14th, the price jumps from $30 to $35. Click here to purchase now and preserve these memories from the 2024-2025 school year!...
Spring Sports Signups Attention middle schoolers! If you’re interested in trying out for a Magellan Spring Sports Team (Boys Tennis, Boys Baseball, or Girls Soccer), please fill out the Google Form below using your Magellan account (parents cannot access the...
The Magellan Charter School Board of Directors is proud to offer an academic scholarship in the amount of $1,000 to a graduating high school senior who is a Magellan alumnus. This scholarship is designed to assist former Magellan students as...
  The Expedition is Magellan’s trimester newsletter, full of photos and news to showcase the many engaging ways we bring our mission to life through hands-on experiential learning in the classroom and on voyages.  Click on the image to read...
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction presented Magellan Charter School with an award for achieving and exceeding expected academic growth for the 2023-34 school year. Academic growth represents the dedication to academic achievement in our school of both students...
Read the latest edition of our weekly newsletter, the Magellan Minute here....
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