Counseling Department

Magellan School Counseling

The Magellan Charter School provides a developmental counseling program addressing the academic, personal, and social development of all students. In collaboration with parents, other school personnel, and community, the counseling program seeks to prepare all students with the skills and knowledge to contribute at the highest level as productive members of society.

Counseling Philosophy:

We believe that all students have dignity and worth and have the right to be served by a comprehensive school counseling program. We believe that all students have unique gifts and talents to be nurtured and have a capacity to learn and be supported academically. Our school counseling program will be consistent with expected developmental stages of learning and differences in learning styles.

We believe that our program will incorporate classroom, group and/or individual activities to enhance student learning. Our program will provide academic, personal and social development opportunities for all students. Evaluation of our program will determine its development and curriculum.

We also believe in abiding by the professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the American School Counselor Association. Our counselors will participate in professional development essential to maintaining a quality  school counseling program.

Counselors can help with….

  • Friendship/Peer Concerns
  • Changes in the Family
  • Illness and Loss
  • Academic Concerns
  • Social Skills
  • Anxiety/Stress
  • Impulse Control/Anger
  • Self Esteem/Concept
  • Expression of Feelings

Please feel free to contact us if we can be helpful to your student and family in any way:

School Counseling Department Website

Katie Carroll
Counselor (6th-8th)
Hours: Tues-Fri 7:30-3:00

919.844.0277 ext. 202


Katy Greer
Counselor (3rd-5th)
Hours: Mon-Thurs 7:30-3:00

919.844.0277 ext. 106

Click on the Tab to Learn More.

A Typical Third Grader

Where They Are
The average eight-year-old is explosive, excitable, dramatic, and inquisitive. She:

  • Possesses a “know-it-all” attitude.
  • Is able to assume some responsibility for her actions.
  • Actively seeks praise.
  • May undertake more than she can handle successfully.
  • Is self-critical.
  • Recognizes the needs of others.

Where They’re Going
At eight years old, your child is learning how to set goals and understand the consequences of his behavior. You can help by encouraging him as he:

  • Explores the relationships of feelings, goals, and behavior.
  • Learns about choices and consequences.
  • Begins setting goals.
  • Becomes more responsible.
  • Learns how to work with others.

Source: American School Counselor Association

A Typical Fourth Grader

Where They Are
Nine is a time of rapid learning for kids. Nine-year-olds:

  • Want to put some distance between themselves and adults and may rebel against authority.
  • Need to be part of a group.
  • Seek independence.
  • Possess a high activity level.
  • Can express a wide range of emotions and verbalize easily.
  • Can empathize.
  • Can think independently and critically, but are tied to peer standards.
  • Begin to increase their sense of truthfulness.
  • Are typically not self-confident.

Where They’re Going
At nine years old, your child is learning how to make decisions and set standards. You can help by encouraging your child as she:

  • Begins making decisions.
  • Gains a greater sense of responsibility.
  • Sets personal standards.
  • Develops personal interests and abilities.
  • Develops social skills.
  • Learns to engage in group decision-making.

Source: American School Counselor Association

A Typical Fifth Grader

Where They Are
The average ten-year-old has a positive approach to life. She:

  • Tends to be obedient, good natured, and fun.
  • Possesses a surprising scope of interests.
  • Finds TV very important and identifies with TV characters.
  • Is capable of increasing independence.
  • Is becoming more truthful and dependable.
  • Tends to be improving her self-concept and acceptance of others.
  • Forms good personal relationships with teachers and counselors.

Where They’re Going
At ten years old, your child is developing communication skills and becoming more mature. You can help by encouraging him as he:

  • Improves his listening and responding skills.
  • Increases his problem-solving abilities.
  • Begins to undergo maturational changes.
  • Gains awareness of peer and adult expectations.

Source: American School Counselor Association

A Typical Sixth Grader

Where They Are
The average eleven-year-old is heading towards adolescence. He:

  • Shows more self-assertion and curiosity.
  • Is socially expansive and aware.
  • Is physically exuberant, restless, wiggly, and talks a lot.
  • Has a range and intensity of emotions.
  • Is moody and easily frustrated.
  • Can relate to feelings.
  • Is competitive, wants to excel, and may put down the “out group.”
  • Exhibits “off-color” humor and silliness.
  • Teases and tussles.

Where They’re Going
At eleven years old, your child is making the transition to adolescence. You can help by encouraging her as she:

  • Copes with changes.
  • Transitions to adolescence.
  • Works on her interpersonal skills.
  • Handles peer groups and pressure.
  • Develops personal interests and abilities.
  • Takes on greater responsibility for her behavior and decisions.

Source: American School Counselor Association

A Typical Seventh Grader

Where They Are
The average twelve-year-old is entering the stage in between childish and mature behavior. He:

  • Is spirited and enthusiastic.
  • Can “stay put” longer and exercise self-control.
  • Develops a growing sense of intuition and insight into self and others.
  • Becomes less moody and may become good-natured around adults.
  • Becomes increasingly self-reliant and self-centered.
  • Is curious but not ready for long-term planning.
  • Has strong desire to be like peers.

Where They’re Going
At this age your child is learning how to be independent as she undergoes many changes. You can help by encouraging her as she:

  • Learns to cope with changes.
  • Makes the transition to adolescence.
  • Works on interpersonal skills.
  • Adjusts to peer groups and pressure.
  • Develops her personal interests and abilities.
  • Gains a greater sense of responsibility for her behavior and decisions.

Source: American School Counselor Association

A Typical Eighth Grader


  • Kids this age have high physical energy.
  • Skin problems are emerging; hygiene is a key issue.
  • Girls: Reach 95 percent of mature height;
  • Boys: Voice change for many; growth spurt about a year behind girls


  • Neatness is a key issue with personal appearance, but not with personal environment.
  • The mirror is their best friend and worst enemy.
  • Kids this age are often quieter than 12- or 14-year-olds.
  • Their feelings are easily hurt and they can easily hurt other’s feelings.
  • Kids this age are often mean when they’re scared.
  • Close friendships are often more important to girls.
  • Boys hang out in groups.
  • Telephone, computer, video games, and other electronic diversions are a major time factor.
  • Music is becoming a major preoccupation.
  • Peer pressure increases regarding dress, language, music, in-out, being cool.
  • Kids this age worry about school work.
  • Their humor is highlighted by increasing sarcasm.
  • Horseplay and practical jokes are still popular with boys.


  • Kids this age often give one word answers to questions.
  • Peer lingo is important.
  • Their language can be extreme and voices can be loud.
  • Kids this age are often rude.


  • An eighth-grader’s withdrawn and sensitive nature protects her developing self-concept and intellectual ideas that are not yet fully formed.
  • Abstract reasoning and “formal operations” begin to come into play in some 13-year-olds.
  • Kids this age take a tentative approach to difficult intellectual tasks; they’re not willing to take big learning risks.
  • Many like to challenge intellectual, as well as social, authority.

From Yardsticks: Children in the Classroom Ages 4-14 by Chip Wood, © 1997 by
Northeast Foundation for Children


Transitioning to High School

To help you with high school planning, please find below the monthly timetable of Magellan services/programs and WCPSS Magnet and Early College dates:


*Overview of high school registration and magnet process at Open House

*Private and Charter School deadlines differ from the Wake County School System deadlines. If interested in having your child attend one of these options, please check their websites for admission details and deadlines.


*Magnet and Early College information sessions offered. Check Wake County website for dates and times.



*Information sessions, as well as, tours at individual Magnet and Early College High Schools continue. Please check individual school websites.

*Counselor will begin regularly distributing high school information through weekly newsletters and email.  



*Register at base school beginning early January if applying for a magnet option. You will need a birth certificate, proof of residency, photo id of parent/guardian, child’s immunization record, and any necessary custody documents.

*Open House scheduled at non-magnet schools. Please check school websites for specific dates.


*CFNC instruction provided for both parents and students. The College Foundation of NC has a wonderful website useful in planning the high school course of study in addition to tracking activities, awards, and accomplishments for college applications. It is also a great tool for researching and applying to college.

*Counselors from many feeder high schools will be on hand at Magellan to provide registration assistance including forms and enrollment materials. 

*”Transition” classes provided for students (who are grouped according to their slated high school). Students will meet with our counselor and former Magellan students to hear tips on transitioning (socially AND academically) successfully to high school.


*Parent program regarding helping our students transition successfully to high school

*Drug/alcohol prevention program for students

Parent Tips for School Success


  • Be positive– A positive attitude towards learning is the best gift you can give your student. Everything you learn, whether it is your most or least favorite subject, will help you grow as a person.
  • Get organized – and stay organized. Create a learning space free from distractions and with all needed supplies at your fingertips. Use the agenda to note tests and quizzes, as well as, plan short and long term projects.
  • Teach time-management so that students can successfully accomplish what is most important. Doing so also makes it evident when a student is over committed.
  • Establish a routine for homework and studying. Doing so sets school as a priority and instills a strong work ethic.
  • Check agendas daily for homework assignments for younger students and routinely check teacher websites for older students to ensure all assignments are being completed. If homework is taking longer than would be expected, communicate with your child’s teacher.
  • Set personal goals with your students to help them stay on track.
  • Make the most of your resources. Instill problem solving skills by having your child reach out for help when needed. Teachers, the counselor, and other staff are all available to help with academic concerns and/or socio-emotional concerns.
  • Limit time online or on cell phones. For older students that may have a cell phone or use online apps, give them a short period of time each day in which to check text messages or an app they may use.  All cell phones and online apps should be inaccessible during homework and studying and should be “docked” with parents for the night before bedtime. Remember to monitor in order to teach your child healthy online etiquette.
  • Encourage sleep, exercise, and a healthy diet.  It is very important that your child has a healthy lunch each day.
  • Prioritize family time.  It can help cushion stress and allows for open communication.


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