Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year Available Soon!
The YMCA After School program is based at the A.E. Finley YMCA located next door to Magellan Charter School. Transportation is provided daily. Students in grades 3-8 are eligible for the program but space is limited.
At YMCA After School, kids expand their learning beyond the classroom. We use a balanced curriculum that supports learning through active play and a focus on character development and social-emotional learning. We also offer a quiet space and support for students to work on their homework Monday through Thursday afternoons. During the week, students will participate in various enrichment activities with opportunities for skill development, physical activity
and fun. After School is held from school dismissal until 6 p.m.
If you have questions about your account, creating your account, or have issues with registration, please contact Customer.Service@YMCATriangle.org or 919-719-9989.  We now no longer do in person registrations at the front desk of the A.E. Finley YMCA.
The YMCA Programs at Magellan operate independently of The Magellan Charter School. The YMCA program is designed to offer after school childcare in a fun, supervised environment to Magellan students at a moderate cost.
Please contact the Finley YMCA for registration information on the Y Afterschool program.