The Magellan Charter School is able to provide a rich and unique educational experience for our students because of the Magellan community’s commitment to generously support our school. The three ways families can best invest in our children and continue Magellan’s legacy of excellence are volunteering time and talents, providing financial support, and offering moral support to our students and staff.
Time and Talent
A strong partnership with parents was central to the original vision of our school. Now, more than 25 years later, that parent partnership remains critical in our commitment to providing a dynamic, challenging learning environment for our students.
There are many different types of volunteer opportunities available, and all are important (and fun!) ways to help and get to know your Magellan family.
Lunch/Recess Supervision
One of the most important volunteer needs we have at Magellan is assistance with lunch duty. We count on the support and commitment of every family to volunteer for at least one lunch duty a month for each child they have at Magellan.
Teachers use this period to plan, collaborate, conference with parents and help students who need additional assistance, and it is one of the very best ways we can use our time to support them and our children. It also provides a great opportunity to get to know your child’s friends and experience a part of your child’s life at school!
There are many events throughout the year that require the help of our families to ensure success.
Voyages are an important part of the curriculum at Magellan, and we rely on parents to assist with supervision and serve as the primary source of transportation for many of these events. Chaperoning voyages (both day and overnight trips) and assisting with on-campus curriculum events are specific to your child’s grade.
Through thoughtful and strategic fundraising, Magellan is able to bridge the substantial gap between the funding our school receives and the cost of providing many of the exceptional learning experiences our community values. Magellan provides the following fundraising opportunities each year to continue our mission of ensuring all students reach their full potential.
“It’s Up To Us” Annual Fundraiser
Contributions “It’s Up To Us” support our exceptional learning opportunities by supplementing classroom resources, enhancing technology resources, and funding professional development for our teachers. All Magellan families are asked to participate in this important school-wide fundraiser held each fall. Families are invited to participate at different levels, and corporate matching is welcome. For more information, email mapfundraising@
Capital Campaign
Unlike traditional public schools, charter schools do not receive capital funds, so the Magellan community is responsible for building maintenance, repair
and construction projects. To generate funds for these types of large, capital expenses, in the spring of their first year at Magellan all families are asked to attend a Capital Campaign event to learn about our school and that year’s special capital needs.
In the past, Capital Campaigns have funded projects such as construction of the stage in the gymnasium, playground equipment and wiring of our building to support our extensive use of technology in the classrooms. Donations to the Capital Campaign can be made in installments over a four-year period.
Magellan Partners In Education (MaP) Membership
Contributions to MaP (our parent/teacher partnership organization) enrich our school by providing cultural arts programs, reducing teacher expenses, beautifying our grounds and building, and assisting student activities. All families are asked to join MaP each year on Meet the Teacher Day in August. For more information, contact To learn more please visit our MaP webpage.
Magellan Mariners Booster Club
Magellan Athletics not only provides opportunities for our students, the games are valuable community-building experiences. The Booster Club offsets the cost of the athletics program through selling Magellan gear, raffling off a prime carpool parking spot, and charging entrance fees to conference games. For more information, contact Keith Moffat at Click here to make a donation to the Booster Club.
Giving Moral Support
There are many small, often intangible ways you can provide critical support for your child to enrich your family’s experience at Magellan.
Support your child by making their academic work a priority and creating space in your home for the homework, projects, and other extensions of the classroom that complete your child’s learning experiences at Magellan. Have questions about your child’s experience in the classroom? Ask your teacher! They are wonderful and value meaningful partnerships with our parents.
Read the Magellan Minute each week to stay abreast of all the exciting things happening at school! It is the main source of all things Magellan and provides easy links to the website, forms, and other important information. Familiarize yourself with the website and the individual web pages set up by your child’s teachers. And, be sure to read all teacher newsletters!
Support your teachers and staff by donating food for holiday treats and special luncheons, providing needed classroom supplies throughout the year, and sending in notes of thanks and encouragement for all they do for our children and families.
Attend athletic events, musical theatre performances, MaP meetings, Open Houses, science exhibits, parent socials, grade-level picnics, end of year events, and other community-wide events throughout the year.